Join Turg and Randy Z as they are joined by their guest, long-time friend of the show and author/designer – Kristen Lem – to discuss the truth behind the freedom of setting financial goals and planning toward your independence, relationship successes, failures, and quagmires, sexual feelings and the realities of dating in your 30s, and…

Why is being honest with yourself about your life goals so challenging at 30?

Kristen shares her story of career freedom that took her all the way from being content with what she was doing to becoming dissatisfied almost overnight. Putting together an action plan and financial road map as to how she would eventually accomplish her career-freedom was key to her successful execution. But, why is planning for these things always so challenging? If quitting your job overnight was easy – no one would do it. Often times we find the answer to our unhappiness, but it’s always such a challenge to unlock that path. Kristen discusses how – for her – financial stability was the biggest challenge she faced. But long term, she knew she would reap the rewards almost instantly. It all started with being honest with where she was and where she wanted to be in life.

It might take your whole life to find your passion, don’t give it up.

When you get that gut feeling telling you that you have to make a change, but you can’t figure out why – what do you do? Kristen shares her obsession with creative ventures and – more specifically – design and sounds. Sometimes it takes a while to figure out how to get what you want to do out in the open. How do we prepare ourselves for the transition? A lot of us might already be preparing ourselves for a move that might come later in life.

Kristen shares how she got burned out in the corporate world and sought a transition. But she recalls how she didn’t realize that the entire time she had been setting herself up for a future of independence. A lot of this falls back on networking and understanding what you have to offer others in your network. Turg shares how he approaches preparing himself for a potential transition – and it all really boils down to preparing the network and understanding your self-wroth in your 30s.

So we’ve road mapped to our independence – what about our relationships?

Kristen shares her perspective on dating more than one person – a perspective she’s shared before on our blog. Turg shares how time is essential in maximizing your dating approach, so dating multiple people at once makes all too much sense. Randy discusses how it’s so hard to identify the true potential of an individual when dating – it’s not pointless to get to know someone, but anything can change. Focusing on dating and the relationships you form is critical. Kristen shares her approach to narrow down the field – be honest and upfront about your intentions. Being true with yourself and your partners is the essential part of successfully navigating the single world in your 30s.

And if you want to let someone down – maybe try “Caspering” instead of straight up ghosting.

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