Month: November 2018

The Many Stages of 30 (feat. Tyree Vance)

When you start to realize life is starting to change, change with it.

Can we challenge the standard educational model to pursue a different path?

Tyree shares how during his graduate school days, he struggles to accept the reality that it would change his life. But, knowing how much effort it took to get there – along with striving to make his mother proud – he finished the studies and graduated. But, was it worth it? A lot of us struggle with education as a bonus. Many of us never went to graduate school in our 20s and may consider it now. So, what’s the real deal with graduate school?

Transitions always have a catalyst that help to illuminate the path

Losing family members is never easy. Tyree shares how his struggle to accept losing his mother shaped his 30s moving forward. What choice do you have other than to accept and move on? IS there more to accepting loss than simply admitting it happened and to cope with the hole left in your life? Turg mentions that loss doesn’t always necessarily translate to a bad thing. And on the opposite side of loss, there is gain. Lessons can be learned in both forms and may be equally difficult to cope with. 

So with loss comes gain and with gain comes personal growth

How do we measure our progress without a catalyst to help push us through to the next level? What changes inside of us bleeds into our lives in more ways than we can measure. Tyree shares a bit of his perspective on the totality of death and the weight personal loss may carry on someone’s soul. Nothing is final – but it may feel that way. Rise above and take yourself out of the moment in order to see what the future may hold. 

Don’t Doubt the Possibilities (feat. Brandie Freely)

The guys are joined by Brandie Freely – author,writing coach – as they dive into the essence of adult-level procrastination, why writing a book can teach you a lot about yourself, how love manifests itself in many different ways and…

Battling long-term, adult level procrastination

When trying to accomplish tasks that take a lot of focus, it can seem daunting to even think of crossing the finish line. Brandie shares her journey as she fights to complete her first book after a 10-year long process.

Long distance relationships don’t have to be out of reach

Brandie gets personal as she and Randy compare experiences dating long-distance partners throughout their 30s and how that takes more than just a tough spirit to accomplish. The hardships of dating long-distance are well-documented, but how do these two really rate their experiences? Was it all worth the trouble?

When taking a chance on someone pays off

Eventually, when you find the person that’s right for you it’s a good time to reflect on the journey you took to get there. Brandie shares her struggles and successes with the triumphant outcome of her long-distance relationship and what it means for her today. 

Learning to not to doubt the possibilities can help you learn more about yourself

When Brandie had the chance to reflect on her accomplishments to-date, it became all-to-real of a realization that staying open to all of the opportunities and possible outcomes was her key to success.Closing doors leads to remorse and that’s the last thing anyone needs in their lives, let alone their 30s.

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