Month: September 2018

The Difference Between Need To and Want To

Join Turg and Randy Z as they rap battle it out with their guest Jonathan – lawyer and once-upon-a-time rapper – as they discuss the duality of doing what you know you have to do and quenching that nagging feeling of what “could be” if you pursued your true purpose – something completely different than now.

What happens when you look back and realize you missed one of life’s hidden messages?

Jon shares his experiences with choosing Law over an MBA and choosing school over pursuing a career in music. When we look back on our lives and the experiences we encounter, we can easily point out where things went wrong. How often have you wondered how different things could be had you pursued a different path throughout your 20s? How would that have impacted your 30s? 

The choices we make don’t always land us down the path we envisioned, so why don’t we just start over?

Shifting gears and pursuing a passion as a full-time career after investing so much time and effort into your existing career is a tough thing to imagine. Jon discusses how he is using his passion to help him supplement his current skill sets. Being a full-time lawyer doesn’t allow time for much else. But, taking on his passion in a different way – from a different perspective – is something he is pursuing to help him 

Why do we reach these revelations of change in our 30s?

A lot of what we think boils down to that feeling of accomplishing something. A lot of us are approaching that point in our lives where we feel we have achieved a milestone. At that point, do we shift gears and change our path or do we stay the course? That nagging feeling we get – that thought of “I could be doing something more fulfilling” keeps chipping away at your patience for your current life choices. What do we do now? The guys discuss the challenges of fighting convention among those feelings of knowing we could do something much greater and on our terms. The focus of a Millennial mindset emphasizes independence and individuality. The world is stacked against us, but it is up to us to challenge the norm and take that leap to embrace the unknown.

But what about everything we might potentially risk?

The sacrifice that people made for us to get here is something in need of preservation. Jon mentions that there is a balance between just risking it all and taking a measured approach to pursuing a passion as a full-time gig. That’s a very real fact. We are the product of several generations of sacrifice. Whether we realize it or not, we are here to preserve the hard work of those that helped shape our future. But, that doesn’t always mean we shouldn’t pursue what truly makes us happy. Jon shares how he is building his base to help him launch something even greater than what a 9-to-5 can provide.

We Might Actually Know Something (feat. Leslie Antonoff)

Join Turg and Randy Z as they are joined by guest and friend-of-the-show Leslie Antonoff – blogger, writer, cooking star – as they discuss how daily growth and experience can help propel you to the next level in your life and…

Knowing what to expect can be helpful sometimes…

We can’t really know what the expect when we haven’t been there yet. But, throughout the journey through our 30s we are sometimes presented with the opportunity to learn at light speed. These experiences can help us generate a lot of knowledge in a short amount of time. Now – approaching our mid-30s – we can leverage the experience to help us thrive in our endeavors. 

Being over-exposed to things isn’t always a bad thing

Though our generation has been painted as the “slash generation” in somewhat of a negative light, it isn’t a bad thing. We are being exposed to so much in such a short amount of time that we are able to narrow our focus down on something we enjoy. Whether you pursue your passion or passionately pursue your endeavor, leverage what you learn to give you the edge.

Millennials and kids get a bad wrap, but is it all true?

If you have kids, you know it’s tough. Statistically, Millennials have been acknowledged as the least likely to have kids. But why is that? Do kids get a bad wrap or is it just our personalities? Turg and Leslie discuss how kids are a lot of work, but in the end it’s a joy they cannot live without. Kids do get a bad wrap among Millennials, but maybe it’s because we just want to enjoy the freedoms. Or maybe it’s a fear of impacting future generations. 

Chasing Your Dreams (feat. Janice Llamoca)

Join Turg and Randy Z and their special guest Janice Llamoca – multimedia freelance journalist and associate producer for NPR’s Latino USA – as they discuss Janice’s journey through her 20s into her 30s as she climbed the ranks in her career as a journalist and producer.

Where does a journey start and end?

That is the question often asked, but rarely answered. It’s difficult to know where life will take you throughout your journey. But, there’s one thing you can always rely on, your sense of determination to strive toward your dreams. Janice shares with the guys how she managed to navigate her way through a tumultuous period in her 20s and still tackle her goals to land her dream job.

Plans don’t always pan out, so what then?

Janice talks about how she planned to elevate her career game by continuing on with grad school. Well, turned out that it was too expensive to justify. When plans don’t work out, sometimes we need to get creative. Combining skill with education doesn’t always have to cost a fortune. Janice shares how she got creative and still got the degree she sought.

Cultural influence is a necessary part of embracing your heritage

Janice shares how she learned to embrace her culture through the spoken word. Through this she hopes to help influence others to learn about and embrace their culture. Her role in the community can be felt in a much broader way. Janice helps give back to others by simply sharing her knowledge and her stories.

To learn more about Janice or to hear her piece – With You, Peru – on NPR’s Latino USA, follow the links.

Faking It Until You Make It (feat. Erin Rivera)

This week Turg and RandyZ as they redefine one of the many ‘isms’ that define the Millennial generation: “Faking it until you make it” with their guest Erin Rivera – photographer, videographer and brand storyteller. There are times when life just takes a turn and just going with it is the best bet. But what happens when that takes a turn for the worst and you end up stuck at a crossroads?

Mixing business and pleasure – which gives way to which?

Letting a relationship define you. What changes when it all ends?

Is dating at 30 contributing to the rise of the vanity in our society?

Feeling the pressure to get it right now more than ever. Can that lead to getting it wrong instead?

Risk = success, so what now?

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